I registered the lelo3D LLC business with my state department and got an EIN with the federal department. This was a big step for me. In the past, I would get stuck on what business structure to register. Sole Proprietor, Limited Liability Company (LLC), Partnership, S Corp, or Corporation; the options were plentiful, and I felt I had to check them all out. I would read online articles that only confused me more and always ended with, “check with your legal team to find the right business structure for you.” So I did the next best thing; I talked to a couple of trusted friends who have started their businesses, all of them LLCs. I also knew I planned to be an LLC at some point, so rather than registering for Sole Proprietor, which has a lower fee, and later moving to LLC, I made the leap now. Having a 9-5 helps with the cost as well. So I still can’t tell you the difference between these structures; I will ask you to get moving and stop stalling on that thing that keeps you from your dreams.

Week 6 recap:

  • Planned a small-scale succession row plot.
  • Registered my business with the State
  • Got a tax ID number for my business.
  • Pruned & transplanted rose bushes.
  • Mulched another round of leaves for the leaf mold pile.

Week 7 plans:

  • Research agriculture certificates and licenses.
  • Research industry market prices.
  • Build a budget for new beds and rabbit fences.
  • Plan & shoot stop-motion seed starting video.

I am enjoying the winter for the first time in my gardening years. Garden tasks are still there, but they move much slower. Instead of pruning and transplanting all of my roses in one day, I can do one or two and stop, take a break, and enjoy the sun. The tasks are slow, which is always welcomed in my book.

Happy Gardening,
