Last week we carved out my Farm Row from the front yard lawn. This week my goal was to prep the soil for flowers. First, I sprinkled a thin layer of Land and Sea compost. Then I tilled the ground; I borrowed an electric tiller from my Mother in Law. A tiller is vital to break up the compacted ground and mix in the compost. I had to run a couple of passes to break up about an inch of the top layer. I could have run a few more passes, but I didn’t want to wear the borrowed tiller out my first time using it. Next, I added a thin layer of my leaf mulch, anticipating it breaking down quickly for a loosed layer of soil on top. And finally, I covered the entire 60ft row bed with pine bark mulch, 19 3 cubic foot bags to be exact. I watered the whole thing to soak it in, meld it together and prevent blowing away. I will let this row sit for a few weeks while my seedlings grow.

Week 14 recap:

  • Found more floor tile
  • Started shower wall tile
  • Soil prepped Farm Row
  • Easter festivities & family fun

Week 15 plans:

  • Weed beds
  • Learn how to build a berm
  • Start Amaranth seed
  • Recalculate farm row plantings
  • Start corn, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds
  • Rearrange beds up top
  • Soil prep companion planting bed
  • Move front-yard peonies to the back
  • Plant mums, dahlias, and hollyhock
  • Plan soil prep for azalea beds
  • Move sea oats to beds 13 or 14

Week 15 harvest:

  • The first Iris, purple from mom
  • Blue Amiable Tulip
  • Black Hero Tulip
  • Last of Foxy Foxtrot Tulip
  • Bordeaux Anemone
  • Black & White Anemone
  • White and Salmon Ranunculus
  • Butterfly Ranunculus
  • Leucojum

Routines have always been important to me. They help me mentally prepare for whatever the task may be. But more importantly, I enjoy changing my patterns up. I live for changing seasons. Sometimes I plan my new routines, and sometimes they evolve independently. I’ve recently photographed flowers in the yard first thing in the morning. It is such a beautiful way to wake up and begin the day. I hope this evolves into a new routine.

Happy Gardening,
