Week 14

I yarned for a cut-flower garden long before I started to garden. First, I had to deal with and overcome several fears before I was comfortable outside, by myself, with bugs, worms, and snakes. Today, I find myself once again paralyzed by fear.

Working outside alone was an actual fear of mine. As an extreme introvert, I did not want to be in a place where I would have to talk to neighbors, delivery drivers, solicitors, or anyone out and about in neighborhoods. I tended to shy away from small talk and disappear when someone showed up to chat. If I were in the country, I would have to overcome a fear of wild animals showing up. The more I worked in the yard with a partner, my husband, or my mom, the more comfortable I became. Over time, my desire to continue Gardening has pushed me out of my shell. 

Bugs, worms, and snakes. Learning about an insect's life cycle and the difference between beneficial and destructive insects has helped me deal with bugs. However, they still keep me from vegetable gardening. I have not overcome the loss of appetite seeing them tucked into the crevices of my food. I know worms are good, and I see them a lot; I can push them aside and move away when I need to. But snakes will stop me in my tracks. I was working in my side-yard flower bed this weekend, pulling weeds and getting ready for an upcoming planting. I uncovered a small portion of weeds and saw the snake move away; he is not venomous, maybe a quarter inch thick, but there is no way I'm putting my hand back into those weeds. I jumped away and tried to talk myself into finishing the task. I couldn't do it. I want to wait until I can get help from my Gardner, but he will be available in June. As for now, I will let that flower bed sit full of weeds and maybe, over time, gain the confidence to go back in.

Week 13 blooms:

  • First of the Iris
  • Tulips

Week 13 recap:

  • Planted viola and sweet pea seedlings.
  • Planted my Green Stalk with vegetables and herbs.
  • Designed and built a rock bed to level the Green Stalk planter.
  • Mass seed starting for:
    • Asters
    • Basil
    • Hibiscus (red-leaf)
    • Hollyhocks
    • Marigolds
    • Phlox
    • Rudbeckia
    • Snapdragons (on accident)
    • Zinnias
  • Potted up Jewels of Opar

Week 14 plans:

  • Take care of seedlings
  • Taxes

Happy Gardening,
