We are inching along with our bathroom renovation, and we’ve already started a new project in the backyard. That’s how we roll. Our backyard is tiered and split by an 8-10 ft. rock wall. The rock wall is surrounded by a low-lying brick planter that is cracked and crumbling. Husband has been eager to remove this planter from the day we moved in. The timing was right for hiring help to tear out the old brick planter. We intend to rebuild using square split sandstone blocks stacked three levels high for a total height of three feet. Starting new projects unveils new problems and interesting facts. I had no idea we would expose tree roots from our oak trees or see a distinct layer of garden-composted soil to clay soil. Storms rolled in within a few hours of demolition, washing away the ground. It looks like our project just expanded. 

Storm-watching can be an exciting pass time in Oklahoma. A possum strolled up while we watched the lightning dance across the sky from our front porch. Once he saw us, he turned the other way. The very next night, we saw him again, this time strolling the parameter of our backyard. I welcome any possums in my yard because they eat garden snakes and voles, both of which I have.

Week 19 recap:

  • Planted red-leaf hibiscus
  • Planted the first succession of farm row
  • Started corn and sunflower seeds
  • Planted green mums
  • Planted astilbe
  • Transplanted dusty miller and Hucrucra
  • Removed brick planter

Week 20 plans:

  • Finish bathroom tile
  • Re-pot scabiosa seedlings
  • Start farm row S3 seeds
  • Memorial Day fun with friends

Week 19 in bloom:

  • Bolero Roses
  • Life’s Little Pleasure Roses
  • Full Sail Roses
  • Pope John Paul Roses
  • Clematis
  • Honeysuckle

Happy Gardening,
