Week 19. Spring weather brings on spring blooms.
Week 18. Transitioning from my plan to intuitive plantings in the landscape.
Week 15. We’ve hit our estimated last frost date, and the oak trees transition into Spring.
Week 25 recap. Debris cleanup, city-wide power outages and rising temperatures.
Week 24 recap. 100mph wind through the city leaving half the city without power for days.
Week 19 recap. We started a new project before finishing the first and spotted a welcomed creature in the yard.
Week 18 recap. Getting help in the yard and how I celebrate the Kentucky Derby.
Week 17 recap. How my perfect Saturday looks today vs 10 years ago.
Week 16 recap. Falling behind on my plan leads to stress and overwhelm.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Email: hello@lelo3d.com
Instagram: @lelo3d
© lelo3d 2024
Artist | Farmer-Florist
Website designed by lelo