One month into Spring, my beds are full of weeds; I have only 1/8 of my seedlings started, and the winter grasses still need cutting back. Our expected last frost date was nearly two weeks ago, and while we’ve had some really warm days, we are currently sitting in a cold front. Mornings are constantly in the mid-30s. Overcast and cool days make it hard to get outside and work. 

Farming/Gardening is hard and stressful; I rely on unpredictable weather. The limited time to start seeds and get them into the ground challenges my confidence. I find myself falling into a repetitive cycle of overwhelm and stress. I ask myself, why do this? Isn’t gardening suppose to be fun, relaxing, and rewarding? I can’t help but wonder if it all comes down to expectations and following my plan that was so carefully thought out. Do I abandon the plan and work intuitively?

Week 16 recap:

  • Started Amaranth seeds
  • Recalculated farm row plantings
  • Moved front-yard peonies to the back
  • Planted roses, dahlias, and hollyhock
  • Repotted red-leaf hibiscus
  • Began hardening off cosmos and zinnias
  • Shelled seeds from 2022 bloom's

Week 17 plans:

  • Rearrange beds up top
  • Soil prep companion planting bed
  • Move sea oats to beds 13 or 14
  • Start corn, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds
  • Plant mums
  • Plant baptisia bush
  • Fill front flower pots
  • Tile shower entryway and step

Week 16 in bloom:

  • Iris-white, purple, orange, and pink
  • Rose-Life's Little Pleasures
  • Ranunculus-Pastel Mix, Pink Marshmallow, White, and Pink Butterfly
  • Allium

Making plans can be very helpful and guide you, help you focus, or get back on track. Listen to your garden and trust it will produce with or without a plan.

Happy Gardening,
