My zinnias are plentiful, the cosmos are taking off, and the amaranth have become small trees. The sap-sucking insects have slowed, and I enjoy all the hard work I’ve put into this year’s plan. This time of year, garden tasks are minimal; I’m still watering and deadheading, the weeds have stalled, and it’s time to think about next Spring. I review my beds and plan rearrangements. Fall in zone 7 is a great time to transplant hardy perennials that aren’t doing well or in the wrong place. It’s an excellent time to purchase shrubs, woodies, hostas, and hardy ferns. I’ve buried myself in product magazines and websites orchestrating between my wishlist and shopping carts in search of next year’s spring bulbs. Ideally, I would have started this in July and saved my funds sooner. Many specialty varieties I adore are sold out, or I need another month of saved-up reserves. Next year, I will start sooner. I am about seven weeks away from the predicted first frost and need to get a jump on my hardy annual seed starts.

Week 36 recap:

  • Finished grouting & installed baseboards in the bathroom renovation.

Plans for week 37:

  • Clean the studio and get ready for seed starting.
  • Start seeds.
  • Move peonies
  • Divide phlox
  • Move Iris
  • Move hardy hibiscus tree

Week 36 blooms:

  • Amaranth
  • Celosia
  • Crape Myrtle
  • Dahlia
  • Globe Amaranth
  • Hydrangea
  • Marigold
  • Phlox
  • Zinnia

I find comfort in knowing even the most experienced Gardner worldwide, like Monty Don, can fall behind in garden tasks. His perspective is to go ahead and plant behind schedule; you never know what the weather will do.

Happy Gardening,
